Laboratory Model Automatic Cryoscope for molecular weight, solution concentration, and freezing point depression determinations for aqueous and benzene solutions for 2.0 mL samples, featuring:
- Two selectable ranges: -2.0 to 0�C and +2.5 to +5.5�C
- Results displayed in �C of freezing point depression
- Adjustable bath temperature allowing optimum temperature settings for particular solvents
- 2-step calibration with non-interacting calibration controls
- Cool down in < 15 minutes - Precise air temperature environment during sample isolation
Comes with instruction manual, 24 2.0 mL sample tubes, spare stirring wires, 125 mL each of two standards, 250 mL of bath fluid, test tube rack, and spare stirring wires. Power: 115v 50/60 Hz. Dual Range CRYETTE A is shipped assembled and ready to use.
